Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scary moment journal

A time in my life when I was really scared happened this past summer. My friends josh, alec, and I were looking for something to do on a boring afternoon. After awhile of brainstorming ideas, we finally came up with our acivity for the day. Cliff Jumping. We hopped in Josh's car and drove for at least 30 minutes until we came to a park and got out. I didn't really know where we were but it didn't matter to me because my adrenaline had started flowing. We had to hike for a few minutes past a few "No Trespassing on the cliff" signs to get up to the cliff. We climbed up and looked down and thats when my fear kicked in. I had never realized my fear of heights before this moment. It was about a 50 foot drop but it might as well have a 100 story tall skyscraper. Josh went first because he had been there before. Then Alec went and I was left alone standing on the top of the cliff. I told myself it was "time to man up" and just jump even though it was an incredibly stupid thing to do. So I ran to the edge and jumped off. Time seemed to stop as I was flying through the air. As I was in mid-air, I looked around and realized that I was at the will of gravity. I flailed my limbs about and nothing but air was around me. I crashed into the water and I was kind of in shock about what had just happened.

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